Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Maintaining Wellness of Elderly Clients


          Asuhan keperawatan lansia adalah suatu rangkaian kegiatan dari proses keperawatan yang ditujukan kepada lansia. Kegiatan tersebut meliputi pengkajian kepada lansia dengan memerhatikan kebutuhan biofisik, psikologis, kultural dan spiritual; menganalisis suatu masalah kesehatan/keperawatan dan membuat diagnosis keperawatan; melaksanakan perencanaan; serta terakhir melakukan evaluasi.

Tujuan Pemberian Asuhan
Tujuan pemberian asuhan keperawatan pada lansia adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Mempertahankan kesehatan serta kemampuan melalui jalan perawatan dan pencegahan
  2. Membantu mempertahankan serta memperbesar semangat hidup klien lansia
  3. Menolong dan merawat klien lansia yang menderita penyakit
  4. Meningkatkan kemampuan perawat dalam melakukan proses keperawatan
  5. Melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari secara mandiri dengan upaya promotif, preventif dan rehabilitatif
  6. Membantu lansia menghadapi kematian dengan damai dan dalam lingkungan yang nyaman.

Sasaran asuhan keperawatan pada lansia adalah klien lansia yang berada di keluarga, panti (sebagai individu atau kelompok), juga kelompok masyarakat (posyandu lansia/karang wreda).

Faktor-faktor yang Harus Dipertimbangkan dalam Memberikan Asuhan Keperawatan
Asuhan keperawatan pada lansia merupakan proses yang kompleks dan menantang. Oleh karena itu, ada faktor-faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan seperti di bawah ini:
1.      Hubungan timbal balik antara aspek fisik dan psikososial pada lansia
2.      Efek dari penyakit dan ketidakmampuan/keterbatasan (disability) pada status fungsional
3.      Menurunnya efisiensi dari mekanisme homeostasis
Contoh:respons terhadap stres menurun sehingga mudah terinfeksi dan sulit mengahadapi kematian pasangan
4.      Kurang/belum adanya standar keadaan sehat atau skaitdari klien
5.      Perubahan respons terhadap penyakit dimana tanda dan gejalanya tidak spesifik terhadap pengobatan
6.      Kerusakan fungsi kognitif
      Contoh: pelupa (memory loss), bingung.

Hal-hal yang Perlu Mendapat Perhatian dalam Menjalin Hubungan dengan Lansia
Hal-halyang Perlu Mendapat Perhatian dalam Menjalin Hubungan dengan Lansia adalah sebagaiberikut:
1.      Lingkungan (fisik dan psikologis)
Ø      Siapkan area yang adekuat.contoh: klien di kursi roda
Ø      Suasana tenang dan tidak ribut/bising. Contoh: suara TV, radio
Ø      Nyaman dan tidak panas
Ø      Gunakan cahaya yang agak redup,hindari cahaya langsung
Ø      Tempatkan pada posisi yang nyaman bila berganti posisi atau tanyakan apakah ingin di tempat tidur
Ø      Sediakan waktu yang cukup dan air minum
Ø      Privasi harus dijaga
Ø      Perhitungkan tingkat energi dan kemampuan klien
Ø      Sabar, rileks, dan tidak terburu-buru. Beri klien waktu untuk menjawab pertanyaan
Ø      Perhatikan tanda-tanda kelelahan (mengeluh, respons menjadi lambat, mengerut, dan tersinggung)
Ø      Rencanakan apa yang akan dikaji
Ø      Melakukan pengkajian pada saat energi klien meningkat. Contoh: sehabis makan
2.      Interviewer (sikap perawat: perasaan, nilai, dan kepercayaan)
Ø      Mengetahui mitos-mitos seputar lansia
Ø      Menjelaskan tujuan wawancara
Ø      Menggunakan berbagai teknik untuk mengimbangi kebutuhan pengumpulan data dengan kepentingan klien
Ø      Mencatat data harus seizin klien
Ø      Pada awal interaksi perawat harus merencanakan bersama klien cara yang paling efektif dan nyaman
Ø      Menggunakan sentuhan
Ø      Sesuaikan situasi dan kondisi wawancara
Ø      Bicara tidak terlalu keras
3.      Klien
      Beberapa kultur yang memengaruhi kemampuan klien untuk berpartisipasi sangat berarti dalam wawancara.
      Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi proses penuaan adalah hereditas, nutrisi, status kesehatan, pengalaman hidup, lingkungan dan stres.
      Perawat harus menyadari faktor-faktor ini karena kemampuan lansia untuk mengkomunikasikan semua informasi penting sangat ditentukan oleh kelengkapan dan kesesuaian wawancara.

Proses Keperawatan Lansia
Proses keperawatan pada lansia meliputi hal-hal dibawah ini:
1.      Pengkajian
      Status kesehatan pada lansia dikaji secara komprehensif, akurat dan sistematis. Informasi yang dikumpulkan selama pengkajian harus dapat dipahami dan didiskusikan dengan anggota tim, keluarga klien, dan pemberi pelayanan interdisipliner.
Tujuan dari melakukan pengkajian adalah untuk menentukan kemampuan klien dalam memelihara diri sendiri, melengkapi data dasar untuk membuat rencana keperawatan, serta memberi waktu pada klien untuk berkomunikasi. Pengkajian ini meliputi aspek fisik, psikis, sosial, dan spiritual dengan melakukan kegiatan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan pemeriksaan (CGA: comprehensive geriatric assessment).
Pengkajian pada lansia yang ada di keluarga dilakukan dengan melibatkan keluarga sebagai orang terdekat yang mengetahui tentang masalah kesehatan lansia. Sedangkan pengkajian pada kelompok lansia di panti ataupun di masyarakat dilakukan dengan melibatkan penanggung jawab kelompok lansia, kultural, tokoh masyarakat, serta petugas kesehatan.
Untuk itu, format pengkajian yang digunakan adalah format pengkajian pada lansia yang dikembangkan sesuai dengan keberadaan lansia. Format yang dikembangkan minimal terdiri atas: data dasar (identitas,     alamat, usia, pendidikan, pekerjaan, agama dan suku bangsa); data biopsikososial, spiritual, kultural; lingkungan; status fungsional; fasilitas         penunjang kesehatan yang ada; serta pemeriksaan fisik.
2.      Diagnosis Keperawatan
      Perawat menggunakan hasil pengkajian untuk menentukan diagnosis keperawatan. Diagnosis keperawatan dapat berupa diagnosis           keperawatan individu, diagnosis keperawatan keluarga dengan lansia,   ataupun diagnosis keperawatan pada kelompok lansia.
      Masalah keperawatan yang dijumpai antara lain gangguan nutrisi: kurang/lebih; gangguan persepsi sensorik; pendengaran, penglihatan; kurangnya perawatan diri; intoleransi aktivitas;gangguan pola tidur; perubahan pola eliminasi; gangguan mobilitas fisik; risiko cedera; isolasi sosial; menarik diri; harga diri rendah; cemas; reaksi berduka; marah; serta penolakan terhadap proses penuaan.
      Contoh diagnosis keperawatan lansia dengan masalah keperawatan gangguan sensori persepsi: penglihatan adalah sebagai berikut:
v    Diagnosis keperawatan pada lansia secara individu: gangguan sensori-persepsi: penglihatan yang berhubungan dengan penurunan ketajaman penglihatan.
v    Diagnosis keperawatan pada keluarga dengan lansia: gangguan sensori persepsi: pada ibu S di keluarga bapak A yang berhubungan dengan ketidakmampuan keluarga merawat lansia dengan katarak.
v    Diagnosis keperawatan pada kelompok lansia di panti: risiko cedera pada kelompok lansia di panti X yang berhubungan dengan penurunan penglihatan ditandai dengan 80% lansia di panti X mengatakan tidak dapat melihat jauh, 20% lansia di panti X pernah jatuh diselokan karena tidak melihat jalan dengan jelas, 80% lansia di panti X tampak lensa matanya keruh.
3.      Rencana Keperawatan
Perawat mengembangkan rencana pelayanan yang berhubungan dengan lansia dan hal-hal lain yang berkaitan. Tujuan, prioritas, serta pendekatan keperawatan yang digunakan dalam rencana perawatan termasuk didalamnya kepentingan terapeutik, promotif, preventif, dan rehabilitatif.
Rencana keperawatan membantu klien memperoleh dan mempertahankan kesehatan pada tingkatan yang paling tinggi, kesejahteraan dan kualitas hidup dapat tercapai, demikian juga halnya untuk menjelang kematian secara damai. Rencana dibuat untuk keberlangsungan pelayanan dalam waktu yang tak terbatas, sesuai dengan respons atau kebutuhan klien.
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam menyusun rencana keperawatan.
Ø      Sesuaikan dengan tujuan yang spesifik di mana diarahkan pada pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar.
Ø      Libatkan klien dan keluarga dalam perencanaan.
Ø      Kolaborasi dengan profesi kesehatan yang terkait.
Ø      Tentukan prioritas.klien mungkin sudah puas dengan kondisinya, bangkitkan perubahan tetapi jangan dipaksakan, rasa aman dan nyaman adalah yang utama.
Ø      Sediakan waktu yang cukup untuk klien.
Ø      Dokumentasikan rencana keperawatan yang telah dibuat.
4.      Tindakan Keperawatan
      Perawat melakukan tindakan keperawatan sesuai dengan rencana perawatan yang telah dibuat. Perawat memberikan pelayanan kesehatan untuk memelihara kemampuan fungsional lansia dan mencegah komplikasi serta meningkatkan ketidakmampuan. Tindakan keperawatan berdasarkan rencana keperawatan dari setiap diagnosis keperawatan yang telah dibuat dengan didasarkan pada konsep asuhan keperawatan gerontik.
Tindakan keperawatan yang dilakukan pada lansia:
a.      Menumbuhkan dan membina hubungan saling percaya dengan cara memanggil nama klien.
b.      Menyediakan penerangan yang cukup: cahaya matahari, ventilasi rumah, hindarkan dari cahaya yang silau, penerangan di kamar mandi, dapur, dan ruangan lain sepanjang waktu.
c.      Meningkatkan rangsangan pancaindra melalui buku-buku yang dicetak besar dan berikan warna yang dapat dilihat.
d.      Mempertahankan dan melatih daya orientasi realita: kalender, jam, foto-foto, serta banyaknya jumlah kunjungan.
e.      Memberikan perawatan sirkulasi: hindari pakaian yang sempit, mengikat/menekan, mengubah posisi, dukung untuk melakukan aktivitas, serta melakukan penggosokan pelan-pelan waktu mandi.
f.        Memberikan perawatan pernapasan dengan membersihkan hidung, melindungi dari angin, dan meningkatkan aktivitas pernapasan dengan latihan napas dalam (latihan batuk). Hati-hati dengan terapi oksigen, perhatikan tanda-tanda gelisah, keringat berlebihan, gangguan penglihatan, kejang otot, dan hipotensi.
g.      Memberikan perawatan pada organ pencernaan: beri makan porsi kecil tapi sering, beri makan yang menarik dan dalam keadaan hangat, sediakan makanan yang disukai, makanan yang cukup cairan, banyak makan sayur dan buah, berikan makanan yang tidak membentuk gas, serta sikap fowler waktu makan.
h.     Memberikan perawatan genitourinaria dengan mencegah inkontinensia dengan menjelaskan dan memotivasiklien untuk BAK tiap 2 jam serta observasi jumlah urine pada saat akan tidur. Untuk seksualitas, sediakan waktu untuk konsultasi.
i.        Memberikan perawatan kulit. Mandi: gunakan sabun yang mengandung lemak, hindari menggosok kulit dengan keras, potong kuku tangan dan kaki, hindari menggarukdengan keras, serta berikan pelembap (lotion) untuk kulit.
j.         Memberikan perawatan muskuloskeletal: bergerak dengan keterbatasan, ubah posisi tiap 2 jam, cegah osteoporosis dengan latihan aktif/pasif, serta anjurkan keluarga untuk membuat klien mandiri.
k.      Memberikan perawatan psikososial: jelaskan dan motivasi untuk sosialisasi, bantu dalam memilih dan mengikuti aktivitas, fasilitasi pembicaraan, sentuhan pada tangan untuk memelihara rasa percaya, berikan penghargaan, serta bersikap empati.
l.        Memelihara keselamatan: usahakan agar pagar tempat tidur (pengaman) tetap dipasang, posisi tempat tidur yang rendah, kamar dan lantai tidak berantakan dan licin, cukup penerangan, bantu untuk berdiri, serta berikan penyangga pada waktu berdiri bila diperlukan.

Tindakan keperawatan pada lansia yang berkaitan dengan kebersihan fisik; keseimbangan gizi; latihan fisik; seksualitas; eliminasi; istirahat; tidur; dan rasa nyaman; serta keseimbangan emosi dapat dilihat pada penjelasan berikut ini:
a.      Kebersihan fisik
Ø      Kebersihan mulut dan gigi
Kebersihan mulut dan gigi harus tetap dijaga dengan menyikat gigi           dan kumur-kumur secara teratur meskipun sudah ompong.
Bagi lansia yang masih mempunyai gigi agak lengkap dapat           menyikat giginya sendiri dua kali sehari pada pagi dan malam             sebelum tidur.
Bagi lansia yang menggunakan gigi palsu (protesa) dapat    dipelihara dengan cara:
1.      gigi palsu dilepas, kemudian dikeluarkan dari mulut dengan menggunakan kasa atau saputangan yang bersih
2.      selanjutnya gigi palsu disikat perlahan-lahan di bawah air mengalir sampai bersih. Bila perlu dapat menggunakan pasta gigi/odol
3.      pada waktu tidur, gigi palsu tidak dipakai dan direndam dengan air bersih di dalam gelas.

            Persiapan alat:
-          sikat dan pasta gigi; air bersih dalam gelas untuk berkumur
-          kom untuk membuang air kumur
-          handuk

             Cara kerja:
-          jelaskan prosedur pada klien
-          perhatikan privasi klien
-          dekatkan alat-alat
-          cuci tangan
-          berikan posisi yang nyaman
-          handuk direntangkan sehingga menutup dada untuk menjaga agar tidak basah
-          sikatlah gigi secara perlahan-lahan mulai dari bagian luar. Lalu ke dalam dan ke belakang gigi. Menyikat dari atas ke bawah untuk gigi bagian atas dan menyikat dari bawah ke atas untuk gigi bagian bawah agar kotoran/sisa makanan dapat tersapu
-          berikan air bersih untuk kumur-kumur sampai bersih
-          sisa air kumur ditampung dalam kom yang sudah disiapkan

Maintaining Wellness of Elderly Clients

 Physical Freshness
Physical fitness is a person's ability to perform everyday tasks without experiencing significant fatigue and still have spare energy to enjoy leisure time with both (Pudjiastuti and Utomo, 2003).
Freshness / physical fitness of the elderly is health-related fitness, the heart-lung fitness, blood circulation, muscle strength, and flexibility of joints.
To obtain a good physical fitness, must train all the basic components of physical fitness comprising:
1. resistance of the heart, circulatory and respiratory
2. muscle endurance
3. muscle strength and body flexibility

Exercise Intensity
The intensity of the exercises we have done can be monitored through the calculation of pulse rate by feeling the wrist using the three middle fingers of other hand. To know the intensity of exercise can be seen in the table below.

Age Zone exercise (heart rate per minute)
55 years 115-140
56, 115-139
57 years 114-138
58 years 113-138
59, 113-137
60 years 112-136

For example, for the elderly 55-year-old practice that should meakukan pulse reaches more than 115/menit and not exceed 140/menit. If time did not exercise the pulse rate reached 115 beats per minute, then the exercise is less beneficial to improve physical fitness. However, if exceeded 140 beats per minute, then the exercise can be harmful to health.

1. Exercise duration
Exercise would be beneficial to improve physical fitness, if implemented in practice zone for at least 15 minutes.

2. Exercise Frequency
To improve and maintain physical fitness, the exercises should be done at least three days or as many as five days a week. For example Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Our time-dependent schedule. When training outside the building should be early morning before 10:00 or after 15:00 pm today.

Benefits of Physical Freshness
Benefits of physical fitness can be sensed by physiological, psychological and social.
1. Physiological Benefits
 The immediate impact can help:
- Manage blood sugar levels
- Stimulates adrenaline and noradrenaline
- Improving the quality and quantity of sleep
 Long-term effects can improve:
- Endurance aerobic / cardiovascular
- Strength of skeletal muscle
- Flexibility
- Balance and motor coordination so as to prevent accidents (falls)
- Agility motion
2. Psychological Benefits
 The immediate impact can help:
- Gives a feeling relaxed
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Increase good feelings
 Long-term effects can improve:
- Freshness physically and mentally intact
- Mental health
- Cognitive Function
- Appearance and motor function
- Skills
3. Social Benefits
 The immediate impact can help:
- Empowerment of the elderly
- Improved social and cultural intregitas
 The impact of long-term increase:
- Integration
- The relationship of social solidarity
- Network socio-cultural cooperation
- Defence role and formation of a new role
- Intergenerational Activities

Overall physical fitness benefits for the elderly group, which can offset the cost of health care, enhance productivity, and raise their status and dignity of the elderly.

Principles of Physical Exercise Program
Physical exercise program has the following principles:
1. Helping the body to keep moving / functioning
2. Raising the ability of the immune system
3. Providing psychological contact with others, so do not feel alienated
4. Preventing injury
5. Reduce / inhibit the aging process

The provisions of Physical Exercise
The provisions of physical exercise may include the following:
1. Physical exercise should be liked / popular.
2. Physical exercise should be tailored to the health condition (no abnormality / disease or not).
3. Physical exercises should be varied.
4. Exercise should be aerobic, which lasts longer and rhythmic (repeatedly), for example walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and aerobics.
5. The dose of physical exercise are as follows:
 Old exercise continuously at least 15-45 minutes
 Frequency of exercise 3-4 times / week (not including heating and cooling)
 The intensity of exercise: 60-8% maximal heart rate (DNM) where DNM = 220 - age
6. At the beginning of exercise to do before warming up, stretching and core exercises. At the end of the cooling and stretching exercises to do more (to check blood pressure and pulse important to do first).
7. Before doing the exercises, first drink to replace sweat loss. If possible, drink water before, during and after practice.
8. Exercises performed at least two hours after meals so as not to interfere with digestion. If exercises do not need to eat the morning before.
9. A supervised exercise trainer to avoid injury.
10. exercises performed slowly, should not be explosive, in addition to the movement should not be jerking and play mainly for the spine.
11. Used clothing made of lightweight materials and thin and do not wear heavy clothing and a very close loss.
12. Type of shoes running shoes or boots should be to walk away having sol / thick cushion on the heel area. Use a special shoe for the elderly who have foot disorders.
13. Practice times should be morning and evening, not during the day when exercise conducted outside the building.
14. Tempatlatihan should be a field or park.
15. The foundation of the gym is not too hard and are encouraged to practice on the ground or grass, not on the floor tile or cement is hard, this is to prevent foot and leg injuries.

Things to Look For When Doing Physical Exercises
Here are the things that need to be considered when doing physical exercise:
1. The components of physical fitness training includes cardiopulmonary endurance, flexibility, muscle strength, body composition, balance and agility of motion.
2. Always watching safety / avoid injury.
3. Exercises carried out regularly and not too heavy according to ability.
4. Exercise in the form of a mild game is highly recommended.
5. Exercises performed with a tiered dose or dose was increased little by little.
6. Avoid competition in any form.

For those who are older than 60 years, the need to perform regular exercise to maintain physical fitness and maintain and preserve health in old age. One of the components of physical fitness that can be trained is the elasticity (flexibility), which is the ability to move muscles and joints in all areas of movement. Lack of movement can cause lethargy and lowered physical quality that affects a person will more often / susceptible to disease. For that regular physical exercise should be carried out.

Technique and practice mode
Techniques and how to practice that performed is divided into three segments as described below:
1. Heating (warming up)
General movements (which involve as many muscles and joints) are done slowly and carefully. Heating undertaken in conjunction with stretching (stretching). The duration of approximately 8-10 minutes.
In the last 5 minutes warm up more quickly. Heating intended to reduce injuries and prepare the body's cells for Facebook to participate in metabolic processes that increase.
2. Core exercises
Core exercises depend on the components / factors that are trained. Gymnastics movements performed in sequence and can be accompanied by music which is adjusted with the movement. For the elderly are usually trained:
 Resistance (endurance);
 cardiopulmonary with exercises that are aerobic;
 Flexibility by stretching;
 muscle strength with weight training;
 Composition of the body can be regulated by dietary regulation of aerobic exercise combined with weight training strength.
3. Cooling (cooling down)
Performed actively. That is, core exercises should be done after the general movement of the light to return to normal body temperature is marked by the recovery of pulse and cessation of sweating. Cooling performed as in heating, ie for 8-10 minutes.

Various kinds of Sport / Physical Exercise Good for the Elderly
Some examples of sport / physical exercises that can be done by the elderly to improve and maintain fitness, physical fitness and flexibility are as follows.

1. Housework and gardening
This activity can provide an exercise that required to maintain physical fitness. But it must be done precisely for breath a little faster, faster heart rate and muscle becomes tired. Thus, our body will sweat. If the house / garden is not too large to carry out these activities already exist atai who do this, it should look for another sport or hobby.
2. Walk
Walking around is very good to stretch the leg muscles and when running faster and faster would be beneficial to the immune system. If the step length and swing arm with 10-20 times, then it can bend the body. This depends on the habit. If walking is a form of exercise you want, then try to be combined with other forms of exercise. Jogging or running for the elderly are often done even though it is better to walk fast.
3. Fast road
Brisk walking is a sport that is not running for the race and performed at speeds under 11 km / h or below 5.5 minutes / km.
Brisk walking is useful for maintaining health and physical fitness, this exercise includes a safe way for the elderly. In addition, the cost is cheap and fun, easy, and useful, if done correctly.
Brisk walking is useful to improve the retrieval capabilities acid (O2), means to improve the function of the heart, lungs, circulatory and others. It would be better if combined with other forms and exercises such as gymnastics, swimming, and muscle strength training for upper body muscles and lower balance. For those elderly who suffer from disease should consult a physician.
Roads can be done anywhere, especially outside the home. It would be better if done on grass and using a flexible sport shoe with a thick base and soft, use socks, lightweight clothing and not tight. Avoid hard road in place, especially for those whose weight is excessive.
Brisk walking can be done alone or together. The recommended position is the view straight ahead, breathe normally through nose or mouth, head and body limp and erect, the hand held light, the foot gets in the heel or mid-sole of the foot, not very big step, and toe pointing forward.
Brisk walking is done by frekuesi 3-5 times a week, 15-30 minutes long practice and made no less than 2 hours after meals.
When the starting trouble breathing or chest pain then the practice must be stopped
Intensity: do 60-80% of maximum heart rate. DNM = 200 - age.
Example: age 60 - years, DNM: 200 times / min - 60 = 140 beats / min. 60% of maximum heart rate = 60/100 x 140 minutes = 84 times / minute.
80/100 x 160/menit = 112 times / minute.
So intensity: 84-112 times / minute.
That is, if a person aged 60 years doing the exercise, pulse rate should be exceeded 84 times / min and a maximum of 112 times per minute.

Some things that need to be considered medically.
 Training begins with a tiered-dose (escalating).
 Perform regularly and not too heavy.
 Preceded by moderate exercise and minor roads as well as muscle strain.
 It should not be stopped abruptly but should slowly.
 If you feel unwell, do not jog, so even when sick or sleeping less than 4 hours.
 Drinking lots of water.
 Notice contraindicated exercises such as:
• The presence of infectious diseases;
• Hypertension ore than 18 mmHg systolic and 120 mmHg diastolic;
• severe diseased and banned by the physician.
 Pain-muscle pain can be avoided by measuring appropriate training.
4. Swimming
Swimming adalaholahraga best be done to maintain health. It is said that because when swimming nearly all the muscles of the body move, thus increasing muscle strength. But the sports pool less attractive and reluctant to do, given the difficult circumstances elderly or clothing should be used.
Olaharga swimming is usually good for people who suffer from muscle weakness or stiff joints can also be done as long as the blood circulation on a regular basis.
5. Bicycle
Like swimming, cycling is good for arthritis sufferers, because it does not touch the floor which will cause pain in joints such as the type of exercise brisk walking.
Cycling both to increase the stretch and endurance, but do not add flexibility to a higher degree. Other forms that can be done is table tennis and tennis. These activities can be carried out according to ability and must be accompanied by aerobic exercise.
6. Calisthenics
Benefits of exercising regularly and correctly within a sufficient period of time are as follows.
 To maintain or improve their physical fitness is good.
 Hold a correction of attitude and motion errors
 Establish the attitude and motion
 To slow the process of degeneration due to age changes
 Establish a physical condition (muscle strength, flexibility, balance, endurance, flexibility and speed)
 Establish a variety of psychological attitudes (form of courage, confidence, self readiness and ability to work together)
 To provide the stimulus for weak nerves, particularly for the elderly
 Foster a sense of responsibility towards self and community health.

Sports / Threatening Physical Exercise for the Elderly
Sport aims to improve the health of the body, but not all sporting good done by the elderly. There are several kinds of movements that are considered dangerous during exercise.
These movements are as follows:
1. Sit-ups with straight legs
The ways that do sit-ups with straight legs and knees can cause problems padapunggung held. Hence the classic sit-ups this way cause muscle liopsoas / flexor on his back (the muscles attached to the spine and femur) bear all the burden. This muscle is the strongest muscle in the abdominal area. If the back flexors are used, then the hips come forward and the small muscles in the back will contract, so that our backs will be curved. So an exercise like this will cause the shortening of the lower back muscles and thighs. Eventually cause your hips upward and curved permanently lordosis to the many, giving rise to problems at the waist.
But if we bend the knee at training time crunches, hip flexor muscles are not moving. That way, all the body resting on your abdominal muscles and the small possibility of trauma to the lower back.
2. Reaching toe
Sometimes to play down or strengthen abdominal exercises held reach my toes. These exercises can not mencaai Purpose besides, that shrink the stomach, also not good because it can cause injury. Actually, the exercises took my toes are exercises to strengthen the muscles of your lower back.
This movement will cause the knee into hyperextension. As a consequence, the pressures will overwrite the lumbar vertebrae that eventually led to the complaints in the lower back. Sometimes this can cause interference with the discus invertebralis.
3. Lift leg
Lifting the leg in supine sleeping position until the foot lifted ± 15 cm from the floor, then detained for a while as long as possible. This exercise is not good, because it can cause pain in the lower back (low back pain) and cause the occurrence of lordosis that can cause interference on your back.
The danger posed is the abdominal muscles are not strong enough to hold the foot as high as 15 cm from the floor in a long time and legs can not hold your lower back. The result is a rotation of the pelvis forward. This rotation causes the disorder of the lower back.
4. Arched back
Hyperextension movement is mostly done in order to stretch the abdominal muscles abdominal muscles become stronger. This is less true, because with arched backs will not strengthen your abdominal muscles, but weakens the spine joints.

Maryam, Siti, et al. 2008. Know the Elderly and Treatment. London: Salemba Medika